Elements Well-Being





The ideal elements for health, relaxation & well-being.

Is your life too busy?

Too anxious?

Too hectic?

Forgotten about your own self-care?

Explore a special way of helping you reconnect with yourself through a choice of reflexology, journalling or coaching.

Who is Elements Well-Being for?


Workplace stress, family responsibilities, exam and school stress, health issues, and relationships can all impact negatively on your ability to function, think clearly and make decisions.

With 20 years of coaching, training and reflexology, I will work to provide you with the tools to flourish and thrive in your own well-being.

Benefits of working with me:

  • Learn to become more self aware and use this to

help you to relax

  • Proactively seek reconnection with your self and


  • Develop your sense of self and drive forwards in a

positive direction.

  • Become invested in the greatest version of you.
  • Find ways of dealing with health conditions and

the anxiety, and stress that often accompanies


Where can I find you?

The Centre for Well-Being (opposite Qinetik on St Andrew's Road), Malvern WR14 3PP

The Natural Therapy Centre (at The Fold at Bransford, Worcester WR6 5JB

These locations provide a quiet and tranquil community of complementary therapists and counsellors, with ample free parking.

I have daytime and evening appointments available.

What can I expect from a treatment?

In the first session, I carry out a pre-treatment consultation which includes a life history consultation and details of your current lifestyle, diet, stress and exercise. No judgements are made!

The treatment begins with a reading of your feet to begin to build up a picture of what may be happening on the inside. Then, the feet and ankles are cleansed and each foot and ankle is worked with a variety of pressure techniques. There is no attempt at diagnosis but a discussion of the areas on the feet that evoked a response from you, as well as the things I have picked up while I have been working.

What happens after a treatment?

Reflexology activates the body’s natural ability to heal. Some of the many responses to treatments include improved relaxation and sleeping, or tiredness and thirst. This is a sign that the body is reacting to the treatment. I will recommend some hand reflexology for you to do at home, or some lifestyle changes.

The Benefits of Reflexology


Reflexology is a wonderful way of maintaining your body's healthy balance and general wellbeing, reducing the stresses and tensions that come with busy lifestyles and giving us a space to reflect on the mind as well as the body.


Reflexology can induce a deep state of relaxation, which improves the effectiveness of the treatment. Relaxing helps relieve tension and aids circulation, increasing the flow of nutrients, oxygen and energy to all parts of the body, and helping with the removal of toxins.


While it is not a cure, Reflexology can be particularly helpful in managing many health conditions, especially constant or recurring ones that we might have come to accept over time as being a normal part of life.

Get in touch

Clinic Hours Malvern:

Tuesdays from 12.00 - 5.00pm

Thursdays from 10.00am-8.00pm.

Evening appointments tend to go very quickly so please book well in advance.

Clinic Hours Worcester:

Fridays from 10.00am - 5.00pm

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Contact me if you would like to have a chat about any of the services I offer, call me on 07983 886825.

©2024 Linzi McKerr

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